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Do we have to listen to darktemplar's endless recruiting for his server?

Discussion in 'Team Fortress 2' started by homosexual_pie_row, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. He was playing Engie Empire and was in an endless diatribe why his server is so awesome and so much better and the admin and Vigilante Gamers are a bunch of whiners and everyone needs to give him his information because we're all shifting servers or some such nonsense.

    Do we have to put up with his constant and disrespectful recruitment effort?
    9807 "[syn] darktemplar" STEAM_0:0:9840668  1:05:30  75  0 active
  2. Here he goes again...
    "The admins are essentially whining that we're massively cooperating on this server, and..."
    ..."Here the admins are crying about it and now they're going to start caps... I even had the owner come to me and start crying." "They told me not to play engie empire anymore, but I'm still doing it because it is fun." "We're going to have prizes and giveaways. And we're going to switch everyone over here in a minute."

    Ugh. He's still talking.
  3. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Can you grab some screenshots for me?
  4. I don't think a screenshot is going to catch anything very interesting. He's using voice chat.
  5. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    True. I got some chat from the logs

  6. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    I went ahead and banned him. I've personally spoke to him about this.
  7. Snowy


    Mmmehh, his syn server is really laggy, so maybe if he is unhappy enough, maybe he will come back. Though all the people I've met say they play 2fort for messing around and not serious stuff. I'm also seriously wondering where sp00n and -\/G- Source are. Or maybe I'm not playing enough. I would really hate to see darktemplar in his serious form, if he's just messing around in 2fort. He's already a good enough Soldier...
  8. Snowy


    I'm on both sides here, darktemplar is sorta mean, but I like the idea of engie empire. Then again, I'm not sure if he would be able to gather 9 engies if he was soft and cuddly.
  9. If you take him at his word while he was online, he said that he was told by the admins not to play engie empire. But he told us that he decided that he was going to do it anyhow because he enjoyed it. So, now you have him recruiting for his new server that is just like the VG 2fort server except better. (Really? Isn't that tacky just about anywhere you go?) Even at this point, if he says he isn't going to be recruiting, can you honestly believe him?

    Meh. Your call.
  10. Snowy


    I don't even know, I'm just that guy who covers porn sprays.
  11. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    He was perm banned yesterday so that ends that.
  12. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    source was banned from VG as he was found out to be a hacker.
  13. -Sgt.Q-

    -Sgt.Q- Member

    Lol I thought I was the only one who did that.
  14. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    Do it all the time knowing we have a young crowd on the server.
  15. Charlie Boy

    Charlie Boy Member

    Did you ip ban him, the reason I ask is because we all know tf2 is free. So he will just come back and be even more pissed. The guy has always been a shit talker. I do not think he is smart enough to know how to obtain a new ip.
  16. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    He was IP banned also

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