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Approved Silver_Apple Application

Discussion in 'Join the Community' started by silver_apple, Aug 15, 2013.

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  1. DANNY(xXx)


    i talked to silver i know that she told them she was gonna take a break. my point is that people take breaks all the time and dont have to redo an app to come back from there break and all of the sudden she has to do this so i am just asking gotcha and woody if this is going to be the norm for now on. if we take a break its going to be considered the same as straight up leaving to go else where that we have to make a new app to come back.
  2. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    Her application is approved so lets move on.
  3. xilorator

    xilorator Member

    I'm watching Breaking Bad. Shits good
  4. Starfox


    This ^
  5. MagikShot69

    MagikShot69 I put the G in OD that's why they call me GOD!!

    she breaks to many rules -1 for me lol love u silver
  6. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    Danny reason is that she removed the tags as in leaving the clan . it is not that big of a deal , also not anyones , but hers and woody and gotchas business . We all need to learn this . WELCOME BACK SIS ! Should punch her for leaving though . Lets all just move on and continue to be happy gamers.
  7. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    isn't there suppose to be a rule on NOT POSTING ON APPLICATIONS! I see no one follows that new rule either sigh I understand we all missed Silver and such but if you got somthing to say start a new thread in admin or member section cut out the spam on ALL applications period.
  8. Jay

    Jay Member

    Man you can tell someone is trying to hide something Definetly.

    "Her app is approved so lets move on"

    What are you trying to hide from us gotcha. Surely you don't just approve someone and tell us to forget about this commotion right?
  9. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    You seem to be a bit confused on what happen. Silver said she was taking a break and took OFF the tag. The majority of the time when someone takes a break they leave the tag on. Silver actually took a break before this and left the tag on. So this time it was obviously different. Silver did not say much to us when we tried to speak with her, she just said she needed a break and took off the tag. She also asked us to refund the money she donated for admin. So from gotcha and I's understanding she left the community. We asked her to reapply for both member and admin since it was the correct thing to do.

    What's there to hide? I'm sure you and most everyone else talk to silver on a daily basis, so you know exactly what's going on. I believe gotcha was just trying to nip any drama before it started.
  10. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    If you have an issue with me Jay then address me directly. I have nothing to hide and never have.
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