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Butters96 - Admin Application

Discussion in 'Old Applications' started by IcEySn0w, Dec 5, 2013.

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  1. IcEySn0w

    IcEySn0w Wassup Bruh! Come at me right here

    GameME Profile Link:
    Have you been admin before? If so, on which servers?:
    I haven't been admin on any of your server, Just another game I have been admin
    What server would you like to become admin on?:
    Zombie Mod
    Are you willing to donate the required $10.00 dollars each month?:
    Have you thoroughly read and understand the admin guidelines linked above?:
    Why do you want to become an admin?:
    I would like to become an Admin for your ZM server, Mainly because I want to help secure the community from people that are breaking the rules and that are making people feel the discomfort of playing on our server. And to make it a fun and well runned community and everyone is happy.
  2. DarkAngelx


    Good luck! :D
  3. Salt

    Salt Member

    Butters just got into VG on tuesday.. I think it's a little too soon. Especially since I focus on ZMOD, I'd like to see how the members are before they gain adminship.
  4. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow Member

    Couple of things first off he is disrespectful to other people on the server. Second, He is too young and immature for his age. Third, He just joined a few days ago id say give him a while till we should consider him.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. IcEySn0w

    IcEySn0w Wassup Bruh! Come at me right here

    Hey, excuse me dude, I wasn't being disrespectful to anyone In ZOMBIE MOD apart from a little joke to RICHAYE. Do not tell me anything that you do not know. I like to be respected like everyone else on the server. I am a good member and will be a good ADMIN. Do not dictate me. Gotcha said to me in steam overlay that he said I didn't do much wrong. Expect just follow the rules, In which therefore, I do. Except for the little joke I said to RICHAYE "you are a big noob". It does not mean I am a bad person, nor I won't be a good role model, like being an admin. I know what the expectations are so I don't really need you to add your own stuff in Ok?, Thanks. You told it actually very differently like it was the worst thing in the world to do.
  6. IcEySn0w

    IcEySn0w Wassup Bruh! Come at me right here

    Well, I now know you and I think you're good, and you think I'm a good member.
  7. IcEySn0w

    IcEySn0w Wassup Bruh! Come at me right here

    BTW you are 16 "Scarecrow"
  8. Toad


    Butter, he wasn't referring to you being to young. He was stating you were Immature. Also, He is not Dictating you, he is stating his opinion on if you should or should not be an admin. I also second that you be a member a bit longer before receiving admin.
  9. IcEySn0w

    IcEySn0w Wassup Bruh! Come at me right here

    Dude, let me make my self really clear here what I'm saying to you directly to you. He is not an "Admin" himself, So he cannot tell me whether I'm ready to take on admin. Obviously I know and I say I am based on people breaking a lot of the rules.
  10. IcEySn0w

    IcEySn0w Wassup Bruh! Come at me right here

    I don't care if he said I'm immature, How can I be immature. Dude I'm 17 not younger. Put some logic into this discussion please.
  11. IcEySn0w

    IcEySn0w Wassup Bruh! Come at me right here

    it doesn't really matter, If I've only joined \/G Tuesday. It's based on If I know other peoples game play, In that case yes, Obviously I do know what I'm doing/seeing. My aspect is SECURE the COMMUNITY and knowing the rules, Therefore I know the rules. You cannot tell me I will not be able to sustain Admin ship without seeing it.
  12. Toad


    Scarecrow is an admin.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. IcEySn0w

    IcEySn0w Wassup Bruh! Come at me right here

    Ok then, but I hope you've like understood what I've been saying.
  14. IcEySn0w

    IcEySn0w Wassup Bruh! Come at me right here

  15. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow Member

    Scoose me first off, I was not disrespecting you I was giving my opinion on whether or not you should be admin. Second off I am an admin myself you can check my admin application. Thirdly my good sir yes am indeed 16 but I am more mature for my age and I am able to handle situations that would require me to be such. You are not mature enough to be an admin. I am saying that in the most respectful way possible. You wanna be admin Be humble and open don't be high headed.
  16. IcEySn0w

    IcEySn0w Wassup Bruh! Come at me right here

    Please do not use an explanation mark to me. I will consider it abuse. I think we're both mature for our age. Please do tell what about me you think makes me immature for my age. This subject is concerning me. Please stop talking to me like that. You might think you are not disrespecting me, I find it a little disrespectful how an admin is TALKING TO ME. Cut down on your use of words. Thanks.
  17. IcEySn0w

    IcEySn0w Wassup Bruh! Come at me right here

    I'm not offending you by anyway. I don't know who you are and you don't know me (I don't think). But therefore from your word vocabulary, It makes me think you "Judge" People, from not knowing who they are and what they are capable of. That makes me wonder man. So stop telling me that I'm too immature for admin, I find that disrespectful. I'm not high headed. I am strict when people say certain things, Not that I'm angry, I Just am Curious. I will be a good admin and secure the zm community and uphold the server rules strictly
  18. IcEySn0w

    IcEySn0w Wassup Bruh! Come at me right here

    I wish you can understand it man. Once again, I'm not angry, nor am I high headed. I'm just curious with what is happening here. But remember I'm more then capable of admin, So that does mean my maturity level is high when it comes to dealing with situations and situations that are out of sorts,when I am an admin obviously things will run smoothly. I am not a bad person dude know that.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  19. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Locked till gotcha and I make a decision. Admin applications are not for bickering, please keep it civil guys.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Denied. As seen in this thread you're clearly not mature enough to handle admin. You may reapply in (1) month.
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