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Has this happened to anyone else?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Omega, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. Omega

    Omega Member

    So yesterday I log into steam to jump on and play a little before work, only to find that all my fav/history of servers list is gone!!

    At first I thought maybe it was a glitch in the system from the last update they had done, how ever when I joined the zombie server after hunting for the IP address on VG forums, they where on lila_panic_elite a map I knew i had all ready and yet it had to download!!

    When I went to my steam folder not only was my server history and fav list gone but all 1500+ of my maps as well... I just want to knoe if anyone else has ever had this happen to them?

    I have sent a email to steam but we all know they are slower then the dead when it comes to responding to someone asking questions about them F*cking something up after an update.
  2. Patient-0

    Patient-0 Member

    I have lost my favs, on almost all updates. I dont know why this happenes. Good luck
  3. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    I've encountered problems with adding servers to my favorites list along with it just disappearing altogether. But it's strange to see your map folder cleaned out.
  4. Nexion

    Nexion Member

    I have had problems with the Favorite list, in wich everything disappears, and all my maps going missing. This happened to me quite a few times now and normally I just go with the flow and download all my maps again and add all my favorites back.
  5. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    Only thing I can think of is steam didn't update correctly for you far as maps missing and favorites hm sounds like a possible cloud sync issue?... not sure that's a strange one as it never has happened to myself yet. (crosses fingers)
  6. noahji1

    noahji1 Member

    I don't understand why this hasn't happened to me! ;3
  7. LawnGnome

    LawnGnome I am Not a Real Gnome Member

    May want to recheck your steam folder. If you have dual harddrives. you may want to check to see if you accidently split the steam on both hds and transfer it over to one side
  8. Zortamos

    Zortamos Messor Member

    If all your maps disapeared that is not an steam error. After an steam update or a gameupdate they will only change your game chache with that i mean the basic game. Not your settings not your modles or maps :)

    I'm verry sorry this happend to you, You should probably look for any viruses or other simulare applications which deletes files from you computer.

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