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Approved CaptinCCat - Admin Application

Discussion in 'Admin Applications' started by CaptinCCat, Jul 28, 2015.

  1. CaptinCCat

    CaptinCCat Very Retired Former Admin Manager Member



    GameME Profile Link:
    Have you been admin before? If so, on which servers?:
    I was a Sr.Mod, next in line for admin on TTT-Fun
    What server would you like to become admin on?:
    TF2 2Fort, TF2 MarioKart, TF2 Orange, TF2 Harvest, TF2 Dustbowl, TF2 Turbine, TF2 Lazytown, TF2 MVM, TF2 Scream Fortress, TF2 Train Saw Laser
    Can you donate the REQUIRED $10.00 dollars each month for a total (6) months?:
    Have you thoroughly read and understand the admin guidelines linked above?:
    Why do you want to become an admin?:
    This is my second most played community, my first most played is TTT-Fun which I have been moderating on for over a year. Its a Garry's mod server, which requires a really good amount of skill to successfully moderate, however because of work I haven't been able to commit all that time needed to moderate. I now would like to become an admin on the VigilanteGamers community because personally TF2 isn't that hard to moderate, and I find myself going back to it all the time. There have been several instances were strict against a player is needed and there are no admins on the servers, or no admins online who would contact me back.
    I follow the rules, I have well over years of hard moderating experience, I have decisive decision making that is fair but just, aswell as I can keep my cool even in the most stressful of situations, i can take the hate for someone yelling at me for slaying kicking etc.
    I also have a very keen eye for hackers, aswell as (now get this) having a good eye in being able to tell is certain players are on a ALT account in order to evade the ban.
    I hope that all these factor into your decisions to promote me to Admin, and i thank you for your time in reading this.
    P.S. sorry the layout of this is kind of messy, was in a hurry before i went to work

    A little about how my being a Sr.Mod works (no its not admin but is is the highest moderation rank you can get to)

    My rank was a Sr.Moderator next in line for admin, what I would do is help all the lower staff know the rules, and punishments, aswell as being called into extreme situations such as mass harassment, RDM, disrespect, and other staff/donators abusing the powers. How to get to Sr.Mod goes as follows, you must first Apply for Jr.Mod, and need 3-8 +1's depending on age by other MODS, then after a certain time and specific requirements are met, and the managers feel me fit am I then promoted to MOD, after that its the same thing to get SR.Mod (but without applying) this positions is ever harder to get and the highest rank of MOD, after this you have to re-apply again for every above positions such as the next rank admin (which I was next in line for) so it was very hard to get promoted, and required a lot of skill and knowledge as to how to moderate.

    [Edit:] Just doing a bit of editing to make it look nicer and explain a bit better
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2015
    • Like Like x 1
  2. thrump

    thrump Turbine, Mario Kart, and Orange Admin Member

    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Homer J. Simpson

    Homer J. Simpson Former member

    I have to fully review this later as I'm at work, but from what you're saying you still are a moderator for this other group, is that right?
  4. CaptinCCat

    CaptinCCat Very Retired Former Admin Manager Member



    Currently I am not a staff member, need a break and garrys mod moderating on those just required a bit more time then i have in my day, however I am able to have the time after a stressful day to hop on TF2 and have fun for the night (with a couple of explanations of the rules to other players in there)
    But no I am not a current staff member of TTT-Fun, effective about 2 weeks ago, but I was staff for well over a year (almost 2)

    Any questions add me and ask me on steam of here (I'll be off work 9central time)
  5. Homer J. Simpson

    Homer J. Simpson Former member

    Congrats, I've reviewed your application and feel you'll make a good addition to our admin team.

    Once your admin donation is accepted by Woody/Gotcha, jump into TeamSpeak and we can discuss how we handle admin.

    In the meantime, please read the post by Woody on admin guidelines:

    Teamspeak information is found here.

    If you haven't already make sure you associate your steam account with your forum account. Tutorial here:

    Also go here to add your fellow admins to your friends list.

    • Like Like x 1
  6. GingaNinja

    GingaNinja Unabashed Grammar Nazi Member

    Welcome to the team!
  7. thrump

    thrump Turbine, Mario Kart, and Orange Admin Member

    Welcome to the team! So is he an admin or community manager now?
  8. Khan


    He will be set up as an admin on Orange when we receive his donation. People don't become managers just like that :p
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. GingaNinja

    GingaNinja Unabashed Grammar Nazi Member

    New YouTube documentary: Member to Manager in One Day
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. CaptinCCat

    CaptinCCat Very Retired Former Admin Manager Member



    donation is complete
  11. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



  12. CaptinCCat

    CaptinCCat Very Retired Former Admin Manager Member



    @Homer J. Simpson
    I will have the day off work tomorrow, if im not on TS just message me on steam, and I will be able to hop on
  13. Homer J. Simpson

    Homer J. Simpson Former member

    I won't be on until later tonight, by 9pm CST.

    Admins are to be in TS, so I won't IM via steam, you should be in TS and IM me in there, thanks.
  14. Rogue

    Rogue Fmr. Lazytown Manager Senior Member

    Welcome to the team!
  15. Homer J. Simpson

    Homer J. Simpson Former member

    he is all set
  16. BiohazardHD


    Welcome and congrats!
  17. IlluminatiJesus

    IlluminatiJesus The Contradicting

    Welcome to the admin team!
  18. CaptinCCat

    CaptinCCat Very Retired Former Admin Manager Member



    Hi there me again, I would like to request admin on TF2 Mario Kart.
    its my second or third (used to play on 2fort alot) most played server, and almost everytime im on it there is someone that "needs to be taken care of" in lac of a better term, and it would make it easier if I can deal with them instead of trying to get a demo of what they are doing (often micspamming) and wait for it to go through, or find someone who is adimn on that server
    bassaicly it would be easier for me, easier for the other staff, and have players dealt with more effiecntly, and quickly.
    ~CaptinCCat~ Admin[TF2 Orange]
  19. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



  20. Homer J. Simpson

    Homer J. Simpson Former member


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