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Unbanned Ban Appeal - Razzation

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by Razzation, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. Razzation


    Link to your ban, mute, or gag:
    Detailed reason why should you be unbanned or unblocked?:
    First off, I want to start out with an introduction to who I am, not who I was. My alias has changed from year to year. My first steady alias I used was Tgoldendeag. That was when I was 11 and first started playing this game. That was back in 2011, and in the year 2014, I decided to change my name to Apple. It was simple and easy for people to remember. I had started to stray away from WCS and ZM a bit, and explore the realm of Bhop and Scoutzknives. I loved it, until apparently I chose to hack with hideously horrendous hacks (I honestly don't remember that far back to know what kind of somewhat sneaky and stupid shenanigans I was wrapping within wisdomless woven wonders of witless weaselry.) I was banished from the brilliantly battle-hardened blood-splattered server with a brutal ban. A few fabulous names followed, and now I have relented to residing with Razzation. Unique unlike Apple, Razzation, was an amazing name no memory, no matter how meager, could conceivably forget. Anyway, the point of this was to not attempt to access an advanced application to grammar and literature in a public request, but to request removal of a renaissance-age ban of Razzation, the requestee.


    I want to be unbanned from Vgamer's scoutzknivez because it's probably the best server for that left in the CS:S community. My ban is almost 2 years old now, and I can/will honestly say I don't plan on ever hacking again.

  2. Razzation


    I've been looking around at other posts, and saw that you cannot get unbanned for hacking/cheating. Does this have an time limit before the rule expires per person, or is it a permanent thing, and even after 2 years, I'll not be unbanned?
  3. Homer J. Simpson

    Homer J. Simpson Former member

    Hacks are perma, they are not overturned especially when you acknowledge we were right in calling you a hacker.

    Have a nice day
  4. Razzation


    Before looking into it, I had assumed that "SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: Auto-Fire" meant I had used a triggerbot, which I don't remember doing. Looking closer and doing a few google searches, I'm wondering if that could be my autopistol .cfg that I have to save my fingers when firing dualies...? If not, then I wouldn't consider that hacking at all. Does this affect that at all? I have screenshots of the .cfg if needed. Heading off for the night, however. Hoping I'm right.

    ~ Razzation
  5. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Oh a normal basis we don't unban for hacking. However, in this rare occurrence I'll unban you.

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