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Admin Application Change

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by CaptinCCat, May 21, 2016.

  1. CaptinCCat

    CaptinCCat Very Retired Former Admin Manager Member



    As the title states there has been a change to the Admin Applications.

    Admin Applications are going back to what they used to be, will now ask you to if you are able to donate $60
    The New Question will look something like this

    Can you donate the REQUIRED $10.00 dollars each month for a total (6) months?:

    From now on After you are accepted you will be in the Apprentice Admin (Trial Phase) for a few months or until deemed to be promoted to Senior Admin.
    Prior to being moved to Senior Admin you will be asked to Donate the 60$ in increments or in one transaction, if you are unable to donate the $60 you will remain as Apprentice Admin.

    Moral of the Story is:
    • You will now be asked if you are able to donate the $60 Dollars, when you create you Admin Application
    • You will need to donate the $60 dollars to move up to Senior Admin (either in increments, or "in one go")
    • If you are unable to donate the $60 you will remain as a Apprentice Admin until you are able to donate
    • Do not Donate until talked to by a Community Manager
    • If you donate PRIOR to being approved for Senior Admin, there is NO guarantee that you will Receive Senior Admin

    Please Comment if you have any question that you would like to address in the Announcement, or in the comment Section
    Last edited: May 23, 2016
    • Like Like x 3
  2. aa4life

    aa4life #1 Sniper in TF2



    Sounds like a good plan.
  3. RarelyIDoPot

    RarelyIDoPot Lol he's mad!

    sounds good to me cat
  4. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    I'd just like to note that apprentice admin is also being refixed. Apprentice admins will be limited to just a few commands ex: kick, slap, and your normal admin chat privileges. We are doing this to limit free admin from being abused. If you are then addressed by one of our managers that your trial of apprentice is now granted a promotion, then that is when you will make the choice on having higher admin which will include most normal admin commands such as temp ban, kick, slay, slap etc... again though, if you are caught abusing admin after your promotion you will be removed and you will not receive a refund.
    • Like Like x 2
  5. CaptinCCat

    CaptinCCat Very Retired Former Admin Manager Member



    Just edited it to include Dracs comment
  6. Patient-0

    Patient-0 Member

    Well said Drac!

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