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Why does it Seem TF2 is so dead?

Discussion in 'Team Fortress 2' started by aa4life, May 24, 2016.


Is TF2 Dying?

  1. Yes it is on its why to extinction.

    3 vote(s)
  2. No its just at a low point.

    6 vote(s)
  3. I think its still fine as it is.

    4 vote(s)
  1. aa4life

    aa4life #1 Sniper in TF2



    I am just wondering from the community. I find it hard to find full servers. I remember 3 years ago on VG servers even in the middle of school days VG servers were almost full to pretty much full. Does Valve even care about the game after adding CSGO related themes in the game? (TF:GO, sorry END :( ) What happened? What do you guys think went wrong. Just want to see some opinions.
  2. CaptinCCat

    CaptinCCat Very Retired Former Admin Manager Member



    Now days I feel that there are a lot more younger kids playing, at least on more non official, maps.
    and later in the day I often see the servers start to fill with "older" users. I would wiat till summer vacation starts that's when we hit our high point.
  3. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    TF2 is an older game now, in turn many players are moving to newer games (ARK, CSGO, Overwatch, etc). To stay relevant we need to move to the newer games also.
  4. CaptinCCat

    CaptinCCat Very Retired Former Admin Manager Member



    Has over watch come out we can host our own servers instead of using there's yet
  5. Dax_




    Well its not like overwatch has anything to do with it......
  6. END

    END Senior Member



    TF2 is not dying. We are moving up after the low point of late 2014, with the broken promises of EOTL and the many dumb choices that smissmass.
    Starting with Gun Mettle Valve has been working hard to balance the game after a long time of balance neglect, and while some may complain about tired crates, the items in those crates have been less harsh in value drops than before (may partially be due to being marketable, not just tradable). They also started adding more maps for more fun experiences, and have made a better way to pay map makers than a one-time payment. They have continued this with Tough Break.
    Also, with some real competition finally coming to TF2 with Overwatch Valve has been listening to the community more (Capitalism!). Bug fixes are more regular, features suggested on reddit have been added, and they have talked with top comp players about balance. Speaking of comp they made a game wide announcement of the esea championships and have said that if match making is popular enough after it comes out Valve will sponsor majors for TF2.
  7. DooM Fan

    DooM Fan Overlord of Lazytown, Grandmaster of DooM Member

    Well, there will always be at least one man on lazytown, seeing as how I never play any other map.
  8. END

    END Senior Member



    The things is Overwatch, I feel, lacks the staying power of TF2.

    Many TF2 players have pointed out, even those that like Overwatch, that it has a lower skill ceiling due to simplified mechanics, particularly in movement, resulting, in my opinion, the game being quicker to master and thus quicker to get bored in.

    Another thing, is the lack of support or interest in a few keys areas for a lasting community, community servers, and mods (though this is typical of Blizzard). While lack of mods is understandable, it prevents their from being community maps and modes to keep the community entertained. Community servers on the other hand, while not out of question, do not seem to be of any focus. When asked about them in a Q&A a dev said "that would be cool" and went back to how its good that Blizzard freely runs its own servers for the game. Without community servers there can't be server based sub communities and if the game dies in the future (though for Overwatch this won't happen for a long time most likely), it fully dies, while when games support community servers they can go on even after the devs pull the plug.
  9. DooM Fan

    DooM Fan Overlord of Lazytown, Grandmaster of DooM Member

    Games never really die, they just go out of the spotlight. No game is ever not being played, unless it was never released or made.
  10. aa4life

    aa4life #1 Sniper in TF2



    Games never died, they just go missing in action.
  11. Rogue

    Rogue Fmr. Lazytown Manager Senior Member

    tf2 isn't dying, theres still plenty of valve servers with people online. also CSGO like content + new cosmetic crate shows that theyre still makin stuff
  12. GingaNinja

    GingaNinja Unabashed Grammar Nazi Member

    I haven't noticed TF2 dying, it seems pretty much like usual to me lately
  13. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    I really don't get why people are comparing overwatch to tf2, it's a completely different game in my opinion. Some aspects might be the same, but overall it's completely different.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. If you go to steamdb.info you can see information and stats about games, players, etc. My opinion is that in recent years, fewer players are playing TF2. I wish I had player stats from 4 and 3 years ago to see the average and peak numbers of players per day and see if certain Valve decisions (i.e. EOTL, wep balancing, trading regulations, item drops and valuation) negatively impacted TF2.

    What are gamers playing at the present? Well, one game that has picked up players is DOTA 2. I have never played DOTA 2 so I don't know the game or its appeal. But it is natural for players to grow tired of a game, switch to another game, usually in the same genre (FPS, RTS, etc) but do they return to the game they left? Personally, I have. It is almost like a cycle, rotating through different games. And some games seem to grab a certain age's interest (at school right now L4D2 is a game they play all the time on the club's pcs and consoles). But what is the game's staying power is the question I think aa4life is really getting at and is TF2 losing its hold?

    If I had the answers... wait I don't care really about these answers, I just want to play what makes me happy, feel good, and relax! :)
  15. aa4life

    aa4life #1 Sniper in TF2



    Yes! I think TF2 devs are lazy. I think they are cramming stuff into the game that is just making it look worse. Unfortunately I think Valve may of outdone their selves.
  16. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    I really think the aspect of the crates is what killed tf2. They pump out so many crates to which tf2 relied upon "who got what items" rather then the game play itself. I've played it since release basically and from all the years watching it grow it definitely seems like it was all about unusual hats and/or the most expensive items. It was never about the game play and the actual entertainment it was meant to provide.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. whgssh

    whgssh Ravishingly Attractive

    I left TF2 for the reason of being bored on it, I enjoyed being a admin on VG and all but I felt that it was getting old, when I got 1,000 hours of game time I thought it's time to stop, so I moved to XBOX gaming where at this moment I'm enjoying more games like Black Ops 3, Overwatch, and looking forward to Battlefield 1. TF2 is amazing but playing with friends gets even better (my friends don't play on PC/MAC), sometimes playing a game alone the whole time will make you get bored and tired of it just like what happened with me on TF2 but when you play with your friends, you are certainly going to enjoy it even more. That's is the reason why I left PC to play with my friends the same games I can play on the PC (like BO3)
  18. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    I agree to that, playing any game in general is always best played with friends or assumed acquaintances :p

    I actually miss playing with a bunch of people, I mostly play solo now on most games cause I no longer has friends that game. They all moved onto a better life LOL I guess I wouldn't really be playing either if I was in a marital life if you know what I mean.
  19. whgssh

    whgssh Ravishingly Attractive

    You are correct overwatch is WAY different than TF2, Overwatch is sci-fi and has a different play style it does take some skills but not as much as TF2.

    And yes sometimes you need to move on to a different game it's the life cycle of course it doesn't mean you can go back and play it, it means to give it a rest, just like where you where a kid and watched lets say "Hey Arnold" you don't watch it now a days instead you watch something more like "The Walking Dead" but still enjoy watching "Hey Arnold" just for that nostalgia. (It's a stupid example :p)
  20. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    I get it! Not that bad of an example, hell I watch the game of thrones and the walking dead, but on a rare occasion i'll throw up family guy just for shits and giggles.

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