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Tf2 Bots and Bot-Related Plugins

Discussion in 'Servers & Website Suggestions' started by Kabooshka! (BANNED), Jul 22, 2016.

  1. So servers like Lazytown have bots almost all the time, sometimes more and sometimes less, and fighting them often gets a little stale after a while so I did some searching and found some bot plugins to enhance gameplay and to add on I found some other plugins on AlliedModders that I would like to suggest for possible implementation on the VG servers.

    1)Bot Weapon "Randomizer"

    This plugin allows bots to have other weapons other than the defaults and in my opinion should be a must on servers where bots are online almost all of the time. By now I am somewhat tired of the same old bots with their same old stock weapons so it would be very nice to spice things up with this plugin. In my opinion this would also be nice when practicing against bots since you would have to vary your tactics somewhat to combat different weapons which is obviously useful against humans since little people use fully stock loadouts.

    2)Bot Management Plugin

    This plugin I am not exactly sure if it is needed or is already in use but self-explanatory, it helps manage the bots more easily which could be useful in some situations but generally I do not notice any problems with the bots that would require easy management so I am just throwing this plugin out just in case. But this plugin does allow bot customization (such as their names) and would have some cool uses.

    (P.S. another cool plugin for bot names is this automatic bot naming tool)

    3)Bot Chat

    This is a nice and a little silly plugin which allows bots to say things in chat. From what I know this plugin has a lot of events in it so it should keep things unique and it is a nice touch to make the bots seem a bit more human. I doubt this is really needed but it would be nice for a player like me that may come on the server late when there are only bots.

    4)Bot Ping

    Speaking of making bots more human this plugin gives bots a fake ping. Obviously this is just for shits and giggles but once against a nice touch as paired up with a random non-bot name and different weapons give the illusion of an actual player (and also will confuse other players :p )


    Here are a few extra plugins I found but I don't think these are needed or will be implemented but am throwing them out for possible consideration.

    1)AFK Players Become Bots (Medics)

    I found this and this plugin which turn AFK players into bots instead of bringing them into spectator, which in my opinion is a cool concept but I do not exactly know how well it would work out in practice so this (if considered) would need extreme testing just to make sure it functions properly.

    2)Bots on Team RED in MvM

    plugin allows bots to play and function on team RED in MvM. Once again I believe this is a nice concept for when MvM servers are empty and you want to play some MvM. The chance of an empty MvM server is slim, as usually they are full, so I think this plugin isn't really needed but also decided to throw it into the mix for possible consideration as it could be useful in certain scenarios.

    All right that is it, hopefully you read till the end :D , I honestly did not see or ask if any of the mentioned plugins have been considered or implemented and I did not look into these plugins myself much so if half of them aren't working anymore sorry. I hope at least the first 2-3 are considered and really hope the first one gets implemented because as I mentioned above they would be a really nice touch/improvement to bots.

    Thank you for reading and please post your feedback below!
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Might possibly work, but requires TF2 Items which is no longer supported.

    I could add this

    And this

    Doesn't work for TF2

    We could add this
  3. @Woody all right well at least most of them work. What about the Bot Chat plugin, is it not working anymore or difficult to implement into the server? Speaking of the bot weapon randomizer I will look into it today and see what kind of problems may occur and post them here (to save you time) :)
  4. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    I'm pretty sure the bot chat plugin will work too
  5. @Woody all right great if the chat plugin works,

    All right I found all of this information but it is from 2011 so Valve and Plugin updates may have fixed some of these issues, testing the plugin would show.

    -Demomen using the Scottish Resistance cannot detonate their stickies because they treat it like a regular Sticky Launcher and do not attempt to look at the bombs to detonate them.
    -Spies using the Ambassador do not attempt to headshot.
    -Pyros with the detonator do not try to detonator jump
    -Demomen will charge as soon as the meter fills.
    There are a few Civillian Engineers/Soldiers for some reason, probably due to errors in the config file.
    -Sometimes Heavies and Pyros don't use their shotgun
    -Spies, when disguised, will appear to the enemy team to be wearing hats/miscs/weapons of the class they are disguised as, which makes it easy for Human players to tell they are a spy.
    -Scouts treat the unlockable scatterguns like a regular scattergun and thus don't take advantage of the quick reloads and have a habit of maining their pistol after they shoot their scattergun.
    -Engineers who use the gunslinger treat the mini sentry like a regular sentry (i.e. futilely trying to upgrade and repair it)
    -Scouts and Heavies will use their lunchbox items as soon as their meter is full.
    -Spies disguising as Demomen who have the Ali Baba's Wee Booties will appear to be in a civilian pose to enemies as they will attempt to disguise their weapon as the booties.
    -Scouts won't use their melee weapons unless they run out of ammo, and never use the alt fire of the sandman or the wrap assassin.
    -Demomen will only use their melee if they run out of ammo OR equip a shield plus the booties.
    -Spies sometimes may get way too much health from the Kunai for some reason.
    -Medics will never share their ubers, rendering the Quick Fix uber kind of useless.
    -Snipers will properly aim the huntsman, and are pretty good with it, but will always hang back when they use it because they treat it like a rifle and never get close to the action.
    -Pyros can use the flaregun, but treat it like a shotgun and thus don't try to compensate for projectile speed.
    -If a Heavy has a food item and has full health, he will never stop eating it until he finds an enemy. So, he'll walk a millimeter, take a bite, walk another milimeter, take a bite, etc. The Steak works fine, though.
    -Spies will arm the dead ringer when they go to cloak, but will never attempt to disarm it until they get shot and trigger the feign death. So, they'll stand by an engineer jumping up and down trying to stab him without realizing they can't attack without disarming the DR, and until they get shot they'll be useless.
    -Pyros will only use their melee when they run out of ammo, so no sick axtinguisher frags.
    -Engineers will treat the wrangler like a pistol, i.e. rarely ever using it unless they run out of shotgun ammo, which is extremely unlikely.
    -Snipers will use their melee if an enemy gets to close.

    My suggestion is to remove all weapons that are broken i.e. not working well with bots by setting drop_chance to 0 for them.
  6. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    I seen the last plugin listed about turning afk players into bots. It was very strange and weird but cool at the same time. Great idea!
  7. Rogue

    Rogue Fmr. Lazytown Manager Senior Member

    The AFK players into bots plugin is cool. I played on a server with it recently. The plugin worked pretty well, but it got to a point where my friends and I were just watching our bot possesed bodies kill everything else. As far as "managing bots" goes I don't think it's necessary, and it might be more trouble than it's worth for admins to use. I prefer killing the bots instead of managing them! :D

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