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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zelus Renardii, Oct 11, 2016.

  1. Zelus Renardii

    Zelus Renardii A rare medic main Member

    Finally it is here! This is a halloween themed orange map, mostly asteticlly redone, such as a light fog on the map, new skybox, lighting, and some additional entities!

    Spells have been added to a few parts of the map, as well as a big one in the main tower
    Night lighting
    Pumpkin bombs
    tf_enforce_holiday 2 has been set in the map by default
    New spawn camera
    A fog of blood now seeps out of and around the tower, as if something is living in it.......
    Every (not) so often, skeletons will begin to spawn and pour out of the tower! Watch your back!​

    After about a month of testing what would and wouldnt be so game breaking, its fianally done. Originally the entire map had dense fog, so that you could only see for a few feet if you were on ground level, but it was decided that snipers wouldnt take too kindly to that, as well as a skeleton king spawning with the skeletons, but his spawn number was already tied, and it was decided orange just wasn't the place for a boss fight. In the future I will be making a few maps (may not be fore VG) such as a survival/progression map in a l4d style of gameplay. So buckle down, and hope skeletons arent 2spooky, enjoy!
    @Woody @The Boss [Dark] @Drac OPZ @Crispin007 @GingaNinja @Epsilon @DCB1227_the swag
    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    Okay, Just ran through it.

    A few things I would like to note.

    My OCD kicked in so....

    1. You're missing a pumpkin red side at capture point near the wall in the corner to match blue side.
    2. You should space the pumpkins out not just put them in corners?? Looks odd just having them in corners imo
    3. Not sure about anyone else but it is wayyyyy to hard to see in middle tower; to much fog or redness??? I'd die it down a bit if you can.
    4. Is there any wall art you can add themed for Halloween as well? The main block walls do not match the rest of the map and look dull and to eye catching.
  3. Zelus Renardii

    Zelus Renardii A rare medic main Member

    Will do. Also could you elaborate on the 4th point.
  4. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    It would be easier if I could show you. I'll take a screenshot to show you later on when I get time to jump on.
  5. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    20161012225157_1.jpg 20161012225206_1.jpg

    As you can see in them add just things to the wall that would fit the Halloween theme, they look so bare that when you're in there playing the walls are so eye catching cause of being plain and bright that they stick out. Kinda makes the map look lame for the theme.
  6. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    I wouldn't make the map too dark either. I think a dusk setting is better.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Zelus Renardii

    Zelus Renardii A rare medic main Member

    I'll add some blood, but I don't wanna make it excessive. At the same time I don't want to use too many custom textures, I know alot of people hate to download things just to play the server they go on all the time.
  8. Zelus Renardii

    Zelus Renardii A rare medic main Member

    UPDATE: I added a sign, and some blood but I can't think of anything that wouldnt be too excessive, any ideas?
  9. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    i'll take a look later tonight.
  10. Zelus Renardii

    Zelus Renardii A rare medic main Member

    Made map brighter and added decals, will be uploaded tonight or in the morning.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Tag me in it once it's ready.
  12. Zelus Renardii

    Zelus Renardii A rare medic main Member

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-ucJdZcGScwMmRVN29ybVI4aE0 @Woody

    Had a problem with the pitch of the light, made it look more like an apocalypse than a full moon. Issue was fixed and now the map is lighter and reflects the color of the skybox moon, as well as casts a shadow from its direction and on the tower. Had a few decals added to the walls, but I couldn't think of what else to do without making anything excessive.
  13. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    Just taken a look at it again. I noticed you didn't fix the pumpkin I said about that was missing lol

    I do like the less darkness and more lighting, makes it look more realistic and natural settings. I like the blood smears on the wall, and the crack it looks like you added. I just wish there was still a little bit more you could do to give it a more theme taste. Right now it's decent though, a lot better then before.

    Here is photos showing you my OCD where the pumpkin is missing.

    Blue has pumpkin at sniper nest there in the corner, red does NOT.


  14. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Can you make me a .nav for it really quick too. I'll upload it to the server
  15. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    I think that includes a nav file inside his download link
  16. GingaNinja

    GingaNinja Unabashed Grammar Nazi Member

    Oh boy gonna play the heck out of this when I get off work
  17. Zelus Renardii

    Zelus Renardii A rare medic main Member

    The navigation mesh should be inside the folder i created, if not I'll create another link.
  18. Zelus Renardii

    Zelus Renardii A rare medic main Member

  19. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Had it on the server for a few minutes, but the server crashed. It was just me and one other guy and some bots. Have you tested with bots?
  20. Zelus Renardii

    Zelus Renardii A rare medic main Member

    Yes, bots shouldn't effect the gameplay, and I have had some fellow orange admins and regulars test it with me privatley. It may be something with the navigation mesh, though I am not sure what. There are a few things you could do to see what it was. First try deleting the navigation mesh and making one, simply load the map without the mesh in the files, and type nav_generate, the server will lag and then reload. It may be something about transferring the mesh across a non-hosting platform such as a tf2 server.

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