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Banned Ban Appeal - OneiricReality

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by OneiricReality, Oct 5, 2016.

  1. OneiricReality


    Link to your ban, mute, or gag:
    Detailed reason why should you be unbanned or unblocked?:
    Hello, I was wondering about a perm-gag that happened a few months ago that's been very inconvenient to me... I know I may have said a few obscene words to the wrong person, but I would like another chance to prove my integrity and mature behavior as participating and inclined member. I always play on the scouts knives server, practically every week... I always have friends on the server from years past, and try to reconnect with them... If there is a possibility, since I'm not really a mic-user, to please be un-gaged, that would be extremely kind and helpful... Thank you!​
  2. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    I'm unsure why I should even give you a second or 3rd chance. You call quite a few people "n!gger" over the mic and chat. I then temp gag you but leave you being able to still talk on the mic. Afterwords you apparently didn't get the hint and still decide to call me a nigger because I wouldn't respond back to you.

    I ignored it and left it go and just decided to play and try to have fun. As then 2 days ago I hear you calling me a fag and some other disrespectful things because I don't respond to you. I think i'll leave your gag stay and you're actually lucky I don't just perm mute you either. So just play and have fun and earn the respect of the reversal of your ungag before deciding to make a new appeal in the future.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. OneiricReality


    Hmm, funny that you've decided to respond to my appeal. Sounding very threatening and manipulative. Very immature for a staff member to behave like this, go ahead and permamute me, as a matter of fact, ban me. I hardly play source at all. I just come on for shits and giggles, and obviously this game is everything to you. Especially since I've been playing longer than you, and still seem to cheat the system. It shocks me to see such belligerence continue as a part of a misguided community. Please grow up, and learn that counter strike source, and eventually, maybe it is not your life, and that there is something called a living, which should be more of a focus to you. Clearly you don't know how to use your admin, constantly disabling your sound so no one can even reach out to you, so pitiful. Enjoy your ignorance, you abusive ingrate. :)
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    Good to know, I'll keep those thoughts in mind next time ;)

    Reading from above i'm not to certain you know what mature really is about bud. Everyone laughed in sk reading "you've been playing longer then myself" My account is 13 years old, i've been playing since cs beta my friend. Probably the longest SK player there is that still plays. Not sure where you got your information at. Anyways, your wish has been filled, and I have issued a perm ban. Have a fun ride!
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. SillyBillyWTF




    People request for unbans and unmutes and all that stuff and when they get a "no" they lash out basically saying they dont care and to do this and that and some go further and insult the community and or community managers and admins. If you truly dont care, dont post a request to be unbanned or whatever and accept the punishment for your shit actions. jesus.
  6. Gavlan

    Gavlan Member

    Not sure if this is worse or the presidential debates are.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. BearSyrup



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