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Reversed Ban Appeal - nemo ☑

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by nemo ☑, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. nemo ☑

    nemo ☑

    Your SteamID:
    Detailed reason why should you be unbanned or unblocked?:
    If i remember correctly, it's been almost 2-3 years since i have been muted, from what i remember i think i got muted for mic spamming, no i have not been consistently playing for two years but i do come on occasionally just to play when im bored, and today i just realized im muted. I'v been playing this server since i was 12 and im now 15. i have matured and i would like to be unmutted so i can talk to everyone once again, Many thanks~ Nemo/DMFX14

    PS, if there is anything else you would like to know, message me on steam. :)
  2. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    You were apparently gag/muted for racism would be my guess. I have removed your gag/mute, but please read over our motd rules and refrain from using racist terms in the future.
  3. FireNinjaBish

    FireNinjaBish Member

    I was the one who helped him Appeal he seems like he has matured enough to be a contribution to our zombiemod servers :)
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