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ahigh5guy - Admin Application

Discussion in 'Old Applications' started by ahigh5guy, Feb 16, 2017.

  1. ahigh5guy

    ahigh5guy ♛AHIGH5GUY Member

    GameME Profile Link:
    What server would you like to become admin on?:
    I have read and understand the admin guidelines/conduct linked above:
    Do you have a mic?:
    English is my main language or I can speak it fluently:
    I understand that I am responsible for anything done on my account:
    What do you expect your job to be as an admin?:
    It would be my job to keep the server running smoothly and to sort out any abuse or hackers within any of the servers I would be in charge of. I am specifically applying to be an admin because I am a regular player on the ScoutzKnivez server. There are never any admins on and it would be nice for the players who frequent the server to have someone of authority around in the event that an admin is needed. I have been on the server for around 5 or 6 years now I believe.
    What is the appropriate action needed for a mic/chat spammer?:
    WARNING first, then a mute, If the abuse continues a final warning will be issued. Then I would issue and extended mute or gag.
    If you hear news there is a hacker, what actions would you take?:
    I would investigate by spectating and gathering evidence that proves without a doubt that they are in fact hacking. I would then apply what ever appropriate actions needed to be taken, whether it was a kick / warning or a ban, depending on the severity of the offense, or if they have been caught hacking before.
  2. CaptinCCat

    CaptinCCat Very Retired Former Admin Manager Member



    Please Re-Apply in a month or two!

    Try to get on TeamSpeak, hang out with us, and make buddy buddy with admins ingame!!
  3. ahigh5guy

    ahigh5guy ♛AHIGH5GUY Member

    will do ! :D

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