1. Hey there, it looks like you haven't registered yet! Joining is free and we would love to have you as part of our community! Register / Login


Discussion in 'Join the Community' started by Chad, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. Chad


    In-Game Name: §pÐ|Unitservers.com|Chad

    Real Name: Chad

    Location: New Jersey,Manahakin

    How old are you?:18

    Which server(s) of ours do you play on?: Mostly Zombie

    How long have you been playing on our server(s)?: about 2hours a day for like 2 months now

    What is your Steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:26626993

    Previous Clans (if any)?: None really

    Have you read and understand the member conduct agreement?: Yes I Have

    Any other information you want to include is welcome: I Would Really Like To Become an admin
  2. Skepsis


    Re: Possible admin permission

    This is just the application to join VG. You would have to be a part of VG, and then put in an application for admin under the Admin App forum thread.

    Edit: I set this to Pending since I haven't personally played with you, lets see what the other recruiters know!
  3. silver_apple

    silver_apple Sneaky dawg

    Re: Possible admin permission

    I would advise you to change your in-game name.
  4. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Re: Re: Possible admin permission

    Welcome to the forums! Thanks for putting in an admin application! To become an admin on our servers you must first be apart of the clan. Once you are you will have access to the members section of the forums in which you will a section for admin applications.

    Continue to be active in our servers and your application will be approved
  5. silver_apple

    silver_apple Sneaky dawg

    Due to inactivity on the servers and forums.
  6. Crossed Fire

    Crossed Fire

    Due to inactivity in the server and forums.

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