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Gun Game server AFK kill issue.

Discussion in 'Technical Support/Help Desk' started by legit, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. legit

    legit I want to right click you. Senior Admin

    Howdy all,

    I was playing the other day and doing well for once. The problem is, I turned the corner and killed the player that was running at me. I was ironically talking with (having a great time). I asked the active player what happened? He too had no idea why the game considered him AFK? When I killed him I was notified that my kill didn't count because the player was supposedly AFK (but he was running at me with a knife and laughing at the conversation going on). Today I was approached by another player who plays often, ANG_TRIGUN who said he had the same issue. Is anyone else having this issue?


  2. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    Never seen this bug out before, it could of just bugged out for that map though. If it happens again take notes on what map and let us know.
  3. legit

    legit I want to right click you. Senior Admin

    Understood. Will start taking a tally which maps it happens on. I will also keep track of players that tell me it happens.
  4. legit

    legit I want to right click you. Senior Admin

    So far I have quite the list that confirm it is happening to them...
    Johnny Ringo- yes
    Sixth Anomaly- yes
    Z3D- yes
    MoonPie- yes
    Ang_Trigun- yes
    *G|_|RL|E*- yes
    BlameMyparents2- yes
    A Bag of sunshine- yes
    One.Hit.Wonderful.- yes
    Fox<3- yes
    BluntCide- yes
    Pikaboo- yes
    Ke$haismySpiritanimal- yes
    D-Mac "maybe he doesn't pay attention" (i think he has)
    - \/G - Bigfoot
    - \/G - OmegaWizKid
    - \/G - Bird Machine
    I'm waiting on more to respond to individual messages. I would consider these regular and or knowledgeable players on the server.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2018
  5. legit

    legit I want to right click you. Senior Admin

    in terms of the maps... as of right now it sounds spread out... "Deagle maps, toon maps, toon poolday it happened alot, wulf_Labrynth, yellow arena, ninja_nicks, Giant, Bk_courtyard, maps with alley ways on the sides" However, when other players tell me it happens to them...they don't know the name of the map. The majority said they could recognize the map if they saw it.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
  6. legit

    legit I want to right click you. Senior Admin

    Also I’ve heard players talking about how they see a player as the wrong skin. For instance, a terrorist team member sees a counter terrorist team member but when they try to shoot the ct... it says that the ct is on the terrorist team. Most of the players that I hear mention this say something like “what the heck why are you on the other team? Didn’t you just switch teams? I thought you switched teams?” I have seen it myself and somehow I think it might be related to the AFK issue I’m just not sure how? Rumor tonight was talking about it.
  7. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    Yeah the wrong team is actually a Source bug I believe or maybe has something to do with the noblock plugin, but this happens a on many other servers I have played on. To fix this just act like you are recording a demo in game then stop recording right away and it refreshed the skins for you.
  8. legit

    legit I want to right click you. Senior Admin

    What about the AFK issue?
  9. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    That i'm not entirely sure. As I said just try to get the maps it is happening on and we can test them out then and see if it's the map. Otherwise Woody is the one that would know more about that since he manages the plugins.
  10. legit

    legit I want to right click you. Senior Admin

    @Woody Have you seen this thread? Anything the players should do to stop this from happening?
  11. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    I've never heard of this issue before nor have I ever experienced it myself. Does it happen often?
  12. Erza

    Erza Member

    It has happened to me as well before but i thought it was just me.
  13. legit

    legit I want to right click you. Senior Admin

    @Woody Yes. I would say it happens more than once in one game. But it will only happen three out of seven days a week. Its not like it happens 1 time a day for 7 days. I have not seen a pattern as to how or when it happens. (The numbers just mentioned are arbitrary to better describe what is happening.) The names listed above have confirmed that it or something similar happens to them.
  14. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    If it becomes a large issue I can disable the AFK method built into GunGame (Causing issues) and install a separate mod that just moves the player to spectate when they're marked as AFK (Scoutzknivez) server currently has this.
  15. killa sodas - cherry coke

    killa sodas - cherry coke Murderer Community Manager Member

    I actually like this possibility.

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