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GG server issues

Discussion in 'Servers & Website Suggestions' started by Drac OPZ, Apr 25, 2019.

  1. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    If you have issues inside GG server please post it here and give a brief description what is happening. When Woody is available i'm going to try to get him to work out the issues if possible.

    I know our gun game is currently like the most popular GG server. With having many regulars everyday on it as well. I'd like to make the server go back to the way it was a year or so ago.

    @Woody I had to perm silence Squeaks on gungame due to him spamming the mic with bitching and complaining, after being asked to stop by myself and ppl in chat he just ignored and kept going on with it. Literally everytime he plays that's all he does and I kept informing him to come to the forums and make a post and he never does. Hopefully the perm silence gives him a hint that he has to now come to the forums.

    These are the things I noticed and/or have heard people say etc.... EX.... @BeatsByClay

    Server keeps making people freeze every few minutes and makes them skip (kinda how sk was at the very start) Especially when the server starts getting over 12+ people.

    The registration people are saying is horrible (myself have no issues) people are just lazy and don't want to help themselves by looking up proper settings. EX: Lerp aka interp, rates, fps boosts, etc.

    The server will sometimes act like it's being ddosed and will freeze everyone for a few seconds and i see casual ping spikes but nothing major.
  2. Co5m1c


    What can i do? teach me please
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    @Drac OPZ

    Thanks for making a post. It's going to be one of two issues with the server freezing. Either our version of gungame is putting too much load on our server cores (unlikely). Or more than likely some other VDS is running on our system causing us to lag.
  4. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    I had talked with Girly last night, and messaged beatsbyclay to leave their input as well. They both are the ones that message me sometimes telling me what is going on. I have been playing today and i only froze here and there on a single map. After server crashed or restarted 11:00 pm est, then it ran fine and didn't freeze at all. Though, again there were only 10 ppl or so in there and not a full server.
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  5. killa sodas - cherry coke

    killa sodas - cherry coke Murderer Community Manager Member

    I still hear people complain about the reg. The majority of the people I hear complain about it are the same ones who were complaining about it a long time ago. Like most of us on here, I personally have no issues with it at all. If I do hear anything that doesn't come from the usual players who complain, I will report it back to you @Woody @Drac OPZ
  6. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    @killa sodas - cherry coke

    Thanks for the update. I played today for about 2 hours and didn't have any issues. Most people in ther server at the time was 18
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    I had 2 people message me 2 days ago stating they are back to experiencing the slight freezing while playing. Only happens when 12+ ppl are playing i'm being told. I haven't really play all that much in the past few weeks as I've been in and out of the hospital due to stomach issues once again. Going for surgery on Wednesday. Server still crashing randomly too I heard.
  8. killa sodas - cherry coke

    killa sodas - cherry coke Murderer Community Manager Member

    @Drac OPZ get better man. Hope that surgery goes well.

    I've been in there with over 12 people and haven't seen any issues. I'll hop in there more towards the evening time, more often throughout the day, to see if I see any of these issues. I'll report back when/if something happens.
  9. legit

    legit I want to right click you. Senior Admin

    Howdy everyone! Sorry about the attendance lately... college is crazy. I want to reassure everyone that I don't plan on going anywhere (just gotta finish college first). I know that we have had complaints like this in the past. I can try to jump on tonight to see if i can get anything new.
  10. legit

    legit I want to right click you. Senior Admin

    Ive been on a few times today nothing yet.... I'll keep my eyes peeled.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    I had the surgery, went well. Thanks for asking @killa sodas - cherry coke ! They had to remove part of my stomach like I figured. So in the mean time i'll be on more often cause of off work. lol

    I notice the lag is back, it is strange for a few days I had no issues with the freezing and/or skipping and i asked others and they said the same. Now suddenly it's back when 14+ ppl on we figured it out last night. It will start doing random ping spikes and/or lag for a split second. It's near impossible to shoot knifers when this is happening. I got knifed literally like 6 times cause of it in a single round. And as most know it's near impossible to actually knife me to begin with lol
  12. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    I moved our server to a new box with newer hardware. Hopefully this will fix the issue. Let me know.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Played today for a few hours with 17+ people in the server and it was buttery smooth. Hopefully the new hardware fixes the issue, but let me know.
  14. legit

    legit I want to right click you. Senior Admin

    Thanks woody!
  15. Wiggin Warrior

    Wiggin Warrior Member

    There is an issue with the GG server where you cannot download any new maps from the server. It just disconnects you with an error say map not found.
  16. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Thanks! This issue should be fixed!

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