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Suggestion: SourceTV demos

Discussion in 'Servers & Website Suggestions' started by Colden, May 25, 2020.

  1. Colden


    Have you guys ever considered enabling SourceTV to automatically record demos on your GunGame server? When a player/spectator records demos, the demos are locked to a single perspective and are more likely to be affected by lag and reduced tickrate. SourceTV demos show all events as recorded by the server. It still won't 100% match what the players see during the match, but it's a much higher quality demo. You can also change perspective when viewing these demos, which is pretty nifty.

    I don't know how demanding this is on the server, but I suspect the impact is pretty minimal if you disable broadcasting and only use it to record demos. There are storage considerations too, but it's trivial to set up a task to clear out older demos. Maybe give it a shot for a little while on a trial basis?

    I bring this up because some VG members still seem to be suspicious of me, and no offense, but some of you guys are not subtle when you go into spec to watch a potential hacker. Just trying to help us all out here.

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