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Reviewed Thank you Player Report - clOwny

Discussion in 'Report Center' started by lithualien, Aug 31, 2020.

  1. lithualien

    lithualien Member

    Player Name:
    ~3:00 PM
    Detailed Explanation with Screenshots/Demos::
    This player just disrespected me once i told him that he is camper because he kept camping in spawn. I don't think that calling someone camper because he is camping is an insult. Once that happened i muted him for a round, but once the round ended he just kept calling me names so i said that i will mute him again. And i did. I gave him a 24h silence.

    I am not his friend or buddy so he can call me names and insult me. And he was not joking when he was texting that towards me.

    However, someone took removed that because he complained privately to them. So what's the point?​
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2020
  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Was the player breaking any rules listed in the MOTD?
  3. lithualien

    lithualien Member

    Yes. Once i said over chat that he is a camper because he was not getting out of spawn his reply was direct insult towards me. I muted him for a round for that but he was not wise enough and after that round started insulting me again so i muted him for 24h. If that language/behavior is acceptable then I apologize that i muted the guy.
    And i would do that if someone would be talking that way someone else. This was not that was trying to show what can i do because i would never abuse the

    However this is all pointless right now because he complained to someone and they removed the mute in next hour. Pretty ridiculous i would say.
  4. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Well camping in spawn isn't against the rules, so I don't see why this was brought up. Seeing how everything stemmed from this issue he shouldn't have been muted. If he was actually breaking a rule and began insulting you that would be different and would warrant a mute.
  5. lithualien

    lithualien Member

    You completely misunderstood the situation.

    I never said that camping is against the rules. I just tried to paint whole picture for you how did it happened. And me telling someone "Hey you camping in spawn, not getting out from the spawn blahblahblah" is not trying to tell them that they are doing something against the rules it is just fun play pretty much trying to get them out of that spawn.

    But what is against the rules - is that if you being told that you are camping in spawn - is insulting that person because they said obvious thing. Right?
    Or is that cool to hear insults your way after making statement like that? And after being muted for one round, he started insulting me again.

    This was the problem. And another problem is that someone removed mute without even figuring out the situation. He obviously know someone who is admin who he contacted pretty much immediately and that admin joined and removed the mute without figuring anything out. Don't you think that this is also part of the problem where one admin just listen to his muted friend and just removes it?
    At this point i am being judged more than the player who disrespected me. Not cool.
  6. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Makes sense, got it.

    You stated above it was just for "fun play" looking to elicit a response out of the player to get them out of spawn. The player responded negatively to your comment, thus you muted him? Not exactly against the rules as you were more trolling him than the other way around. Regardless the mute shouldn't have happened as he didn't break any rules.

    Furthermore, the player most likely knew you were an admin and doesn't respond well to authority like most individuals nowadays. If you're going to poke fun with players as an admin you need to be able to accept the negative feedback you might receive. The same would be said if you were just a regular player.

    I would agree with you that @Drac OPZ should have not removed the mute before first discussing the situation with you. He did not have the full details of the situation. I will speak to him about this
  7. killa sodas - cherry coke

    killa sodas - cherry coke Murderer Community Manager Member

    @lithualien No one is judging you in this situation. It's simply a matter of whether or not the mute was justified. In this case, there were no rules being broken, therefore there should not have been a mute/silence put in place.

    Add me to your friends list. I am the server manager for gun game. I am around a most of the time and you can quickly get a hold of me if you shoot me a message. I can jump in, help you out and address the situation as it is happening. We can go over whether or not someone is breaking the rules immediately once you get a hold of me.

    Woody covered just about everything else pertaining to this particular issue.
  8. lithualien

    lithualien Member

    I still think that insulting other people is not OK and i did the right thing at that time. There are many players who would act smarter than him in that situation - instead being aggressive and insulting. And like i said - if he or anyone else would go that way towards someone else i would've probably been done the same. You can always see the difference when someone telling you something for fun or when they try to insult you. And in this situation that was #2.
    And no, he obviously did not knew that i am an admin. I removed the -VG- tag from my nick name because no one would even suspect that i am one of the admins. I could bet that he talked to people the same way in the past and will do in the future.

    I would never abuse the admin rights and i actually barely used them throughout the time i have them. Now after this i turned on the console logging because unfortunately i haven't saved anything because it seemed obvious to me.

    @killa sodas - cherry coke
    I can add you to my friends list, however this was the reason why did i applied for an admin role so if something is happening i don't have to waste time to spend on finding admins and how to contact them. And what i did now - was not a ban from the server so he could not even play. This mute was done because of insult. He acted like a dick and there is no way you can or will change my mind.
    Next time I will just ignore player who insults me so only I can't see his chat or hear his mic. And will use admin commands only to ban players who use aimbots or other cheats which are not allowed because apparently insults are fine and those guys are protected.

    Anyway, i would say that enough time wasted for this matter already and I apologize that i tried to do the right thing.
    And my biggest apology is to clOwny who was muted for 1 hour.

    Thank you
  9. killa sodas - cherry coke

    killa sodas - cherry coke Murderer Community Manager Member

    Wow! There are a lot of emotions attached to this mute.
    I dont know what else to say. All we are trying to do is help out.

    If you need help in the future, feel free to message any of the admins or make another post on the forums. I'm sure everyone will be willing to help; if you need it
  10. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    It not what YOU THINK, but what the server rules state. Please do not admin based on your emotions, please re-read the MOTD where the server rules are listed.
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  11. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    I was contacted by another admin of ours that was apparently present during the mute. Apparently you edged it on with not ONCE but saying three times complaining he was camping. Clowny had taken offense to that and took it as trash talk and tried dishing it back and to the sounds of it you then decided to involve your admin and silence him for doing so. You technically edged it on so to speak. We do not enforce any rule that is against bantering/basic trash talking, only when it becomes personal/bullying/racism should anything be enforced. Clowny has been a regular player of ours on gun game for sooo very long and no one has ever had an issue with the player, not even my personal self and everyone knows i play there on a daily basis.

    And to say the way you were calling him out for camping anyone would of took offense to that because even to me it seemed like you were trying to start a banter rather then asking nicely for him to just get out of spawn.

  12. Claytonium (beats)

    Claytonium (beats) Senior Admin

    Personally (me, speaking for myself), I know I have to have pretty thick skin when it comes to players talking shit to me because I catch myself getting agitated by the way other players play and throwing insults their way because of it (basically, the point that Woody highlighted in a previous post). Unless the insults are deeply personal, then I will allow players to talk. It just makes it more fun when I wreck their ass.
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