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How to strafe on scoutzknivez THE BASIC'S

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Dank, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. Dank


    You wanna no how to strafe! ill TEACH YOU! the best i can in typing my video is coming soon!

    STEP 1. Change your jump button in Counter-strike source options. prefer you to change it to Scroll up or down what ever feels more comfortable for you. Because space_bar is way to slow everyone in scoutzknivez uses Scroll up or down for jump.

    STEP 2. Get use to using Scroll up or down jump. Just join our Scoutzknivez server and just jump around intill you do get use to it. Here is the Server ip if you don't no it already

    STEP 3.How to use the key bored when you are in the air and you're mouse. When you jump up in the air start moving you're mouse right to left or left to right it don't matter when you move you're mouse to the Right! you press "Key A!" on you're key bored at the same time and hold intill you go to the left Side with you're mouse. and when you move to the LEFT! do the same thing but this TIME! use "D KEY" and hold it intill you go back to the right.

    STEP 4. You also have to jump at the right times! kinda like Bunnyhopping. When you are in the air doing you're thing moving left and right and all that stuff right before you hit the ground you jump! that's where the scroll up or down jump button comes in handy.

    You have learned the basic's go try it out on our scoutzknivez server. my video is coming soon! on how to strafe. this was the best i could do to explain it in typing! my video will be better. so once again sorry i tried my best if you don't get it still i can 1 on 1 classes on how to just ask me DANK. :D

    Attached Files:

  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Cool thanks dank!
  3. my eyes go wild when i try to read the blue lol
  4. Dank


    no problem do u want me to change the blue color ranger?
  5. Dank


    Tell me!! if i missed anything ill add it
  6. Dank


    I updated the strafe tut! my video is almost done to let you guys no! my video is almost perfect and prolly one of the best videos you will ever see on Counter-strike source Scoutzknivez strafein -Video sponsored by Vigilantegamers.net- film made by Dank

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