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Comments on Profile Post by Tbnr

  1. Tbnr
    I actually have two question.
    Jul 16, 2016
  2. Woody
    What's up?
    Jul 16, 2016
  3. Tbnr
    Bear was talking to me about that you were going to add a sell option to the server, um how long do you think its going to take and my other question is, do gift cards also work for donating?
    Jul 16, 2016
  4. Tbnr
    I actually told him that there need's to be a sell option and he was telling me that you are trying to add it to the server.
    Jul 16, 2016
  5. Woody
    We might possibly add a sell function. There's no guarantee though.

    What kinda gift cards?
    Jul 17, 2016
  6. Tbnr
    Just a regular gift card because I might go out and buy a Visa to donate if the only option to donate is a Visa ok
    Jul 17, 2016
  7. Woody
    Yeah most visa pre paid gift cards should work with paypal.
    Jul 17, 2016
  8. Tbnr
    So if i would get a regular Visa gift card I can donate with that
    Jul 17, 2016
  9. Woody
    Yeah you should be good
    Jul 17, 2016
  10. Tbnr
    Ok, Thank you!
    Jul 17, 2016