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Unbanned Ban Appeal - Colden

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by Colden, May 6, 2020.

  1. Colden


    Your SteamID:
    Detailed reason why should you be unbanned or unblocked?:
    1. Username: Burt Reynolds

    2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:508520836

    3. Why you should be unbanned: I was banned for wallhacking. I don't use hacks.

    4. Any other information you would like to include:

    If you're truly convinced I use hacks, there's only so much I can do to unconvince you. There are no details in the ban report indicating what parts of the demo supposedly show that I'm hacking, so it's a little tough to defend myself.

    Can I request a second opinion and have another admin review the original report? Maybe we can discuss the parts of the demos that you believe indicate I was hacking? Should I point out all the instances in the demos where I got caught off guard by a player I would have seen if I was actually wallhacking?

    I've been playing CS:S gungame since 2006. I still love the game and I hope we can clear this up because VG is one of the few Source gungames worth playing these days. I've been on this server on and off the past few months. Never been accused of hacking much until it became a frequent occurrence the past couple weeks by a couple particular players (although they usually accuse me of aimbotting and I think we can agree there's no evidence of that in these demos). I have been playing a little more seriously than usual lately because I'm bored with coronavirus lockdowns and I noticed the gameme stats are weirdly volatile here and I wanted to see how quickly I could get my score back to 4,000 after a gameme_reset. But there are several players around here who are as good as me and better.

    At the risk of giving you additional ammunition against me, I'm going to go ahead and talk about the parts of the demo that I thought looked potentially suspicious:
    1. burt_reynolds.dem - Nothing in the first demo jumped out at me
    2. burt_reynolds2.dem tick 2400 - There's a moment here where I'm on the ground floor and a fire a mostly-blind shot up towards the ledge. With r_drawothermodels 2, my shot appears to be surprisingly close to someone behind the wall. Without wireframes however, you can briefly see gunfire up on top of the ramp before I aim up there and shoot. Plus there's pretty much always someone sitting on top of the ramps on this map
    3. burt_reynolds2.dem tick 11000 - Towards the end of the round there's a sequence where it looks like I hesitate to go around a corner where a T is waiting. But it's not like it's a secret there's a T up there somewhere. My teammate just died in front of me and there's a red dot on my radar. I misjudged and thought he was farther away, so I waited behind the corner for a second for him to get closer so I could attempt to knife him. If I knew he was RIGHT THERE I would have just rushed him with the knife. If I had seen him, I would have chased him when he jumped off the ledge to try to knife him in the back rather than charge the Ts waiting for me near their ramp

    I have two rules when I play gungame deathmatch:
    1. I don't shootknife. I take it a step further on this server and don't really knife at all (unless I'm playing the map knife-only, which is too much fun not to do occasionally). That's because on this server a knife kill can earn you the equivalent of two gun kills and steal three gun kills from your victim (two kills on the previous level, plus one kill on their current level). A single knife kill netting you five gun kills over another player is not a fun gungame mechanic in my opinion
    2. I play fast and aggressively. I rush the enemy and their spawn, kill a few people, give players a bit of a chance to kill me with spawn protection, then back off before I cross the line into spawn camping

    My point is: hacking is antithetical to how I approach gungame. I don't go easy on other players, but I do play in a way that I believe is fair and fun. I don't use hacks.

    (Sorry if it's weird my forum account name doesn't match my usual ingame name. I made an account here called "Burt Reynolds" but couldn't figure out how to confirm it, so I made this second account out of frustration. The Burt Reynolds account still doesn't have privileges to post here)

    edit: Fixed a few instances where I accidentally said "CT" instead of "T"​
    Last edited: May 6, 2020
  2. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    @Woody Mind giving your opinion on the report?
  3. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    I'll watch the demos, give me a couple hours.
  4. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Well your steam account sure isn't from 2006 ;)

    Regardless, I didn't see anything standout in the demos in regard to walling or aimbot.

    Stat page is also standard for a decent GG player.

  5. Colden


    Thanks guys.

    I really don't think these demos show anything out of the ordinary, but if there are lingering concerns about me I'd be happy to upload a video of my screen while I play or something.

    True. This particular steam account is fairly new and I get that that doesn't do wonders for my credibility. I can go into the history of my steam accounts, but you've probably had enough of my long winded posts after reading my appeal. If it means anything, I promise I've never been VAC banned.
  6. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Last edited: May 7, 2020
  7. Colden


    I keep multiple accounts for Ark: Survival Evolved. I have CS:S on all my accounts because it costs less than $5 on sale. I just hop on whichever account I'm logged into at the time. Up until the coronavirus lockdowns I only played here pretty casually so I didn't think it was a big deal. It's not something I've really gone out of my way to keep a secret. I don't see it in the chat logs anymore unfortunately, but there have been times I've been logged into Burt Reynolds and told players that know me from other servers that I'm Elk Cloner.

    I didn't say anything in this thread because I wasn't sure if it would help my case or hurt me having multiple accounts on here. I did not use my multiple account for ban evasion. You can look at my sessions and see that during the period I was banned, I was only logged into one of my accounts for 6 minutes. Then I saw the ban report about my other account in Discord and logged off.

    I don't troll (although I've definitely gotten short tempered with a couple people in chat lately who have accused me of hacking round after round after round). And nothing I've said in this thread is untrue. If multiple accounts is against the rules and a ban is in order, go for it. If you want me to just stick to one account, I can do that too.

    I didn't even see this thread. I knew Beats was called on me at one point and was watching me in spec, but I didn't realize there were demos on the forums. If I had known there was a ban report where I had already been cleared, I probably would have pointed it out.
  8. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    Alrighty, thanks for leaving me know and thanks for the second eye.

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