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might have a hacker

Discussion in 'Minecraft' started by MagikShot69, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. MagikShot69

    MagikShot69 I put the G in OD that's why they call me GOD!!

    so a buddie that plays on our server called me in and there stuff was destroyed and he poured lava all over the place and even put up nazi signs
  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Told you this would happen if we made it public :p

    Shoyu, drac, sik, etc can all ban people.
  3. MagikShot69

    MagikShot69 I put the G in OD that's why they call me GOD!!

    i knew it myself but anyway to see a list of people who joined when my buddie wasnt on
  4. ( 0 ) Hawkeye

    ( 0 ) Hawkeye

    Yeah ive played on this server as well, and there's no protection on the blocks or hacks, no plugin in and most important no theme .If u guys want to make the server good u need more protection,a good theme,and plugins.And most of all u guys need someone to watch over the Server like an Admin or Mod to watch people and make sure everything is going good.
  5. ( 0 ) Hawkeye

    ( 0 ) Hawkeye

    Oh yeah and the hack that he used was nodus,that hacked client program has a griefing symbol and its called the swastika not the nazi signs,:p Heres a link to the plugin that blocks all of the hacks from Nodus https://forums.bukkit.org/threads/nodus-blocker.145638/ hope i could help
  6. Sikk

    Sikk Musika

    They have actually been banned for quite some time now. We have added a couple of anti cheat plugins and more anti griefing plugins a few days ago too. Right now I'm just waiting on a server reset so I can set protection to areas while also being able to give permission on who can build or destory in them. Hopefully that will stop most of the griefers out there. I've also been monitoring the server a lot more so not much worries there.

    As for theme you mean like making it look more attracting like making spawn look better? Maybe after I can set up the protection the admins and others can help make spawn look better. Right now it's just a regular survival server so it's not our biggest goal yet.
  7. ( 0 ) Hawkeye

    ( 0 ) Hawkeye

    Oh OK well that's good to hear, well good luck with that  :)

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