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Unbanned Ban Appeal - sWole

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by sWole, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. sWole


    Your SteamID:

    Let me preface this by saying this is an old ban, and I'll be referencing the old ban appeal here.

    1. Username: s W o l e (veloX at the time of the ban)

    2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:69610814

    3. Why you should be unbanned:

    I was reminded of my ban by some players on current CS:GO scoutzknivez servers, and after years have passed I would like to see if a second look could be taken at my ban. I know I wasn't cheating, and still have not cheated. My account that was banned from the server in 2014 (STEAM_0:1:69610814) is still void of any VAC bans. When the appeal happened I had nothing to defend myself with, but as years have passed maybe my still clean record will mean something. When the appeal was originally posted I watched the demos myself and saw nothing out of the ordinary. I've watched them again today out of curiosity and still see nothing ban-worthy. Other than the one shot outlined in the ban report from T box to dark, nothing seemed unusual. I'd give an explanation on that one peek but I can't recall my thinking from three years ago.

    It was also stated in the ban report that I used Q switch or jump scripts, which I have never used either. I've always used my mouse wheel up for weapon switches and mouse wheel down for jump. When I played back then, Q and E were turn binds for strafing. After years of playing that way even prior to this server I became fairly good at quick switching with only my mouse wheel. I still do the same in CS:GO scoutzknivez, but there's no benefit; It's more of a habit to scroll switch on CS:GO at this point.

    At the time, the account that I was using was new (I now have just about 4,000 hours on CS:GO on that same account with no VAC ban on either CS:S or CS:GO). As I said in my appeal, I was VAC banned on my previous account during CS:GO's release because I attempted to use an external bunny-hop script due to me being unhappy that they removed bhopping. That account was my old main, and instead of sitting on an account with a VAC ban and having to use two separate accounts to play either game, I remade a new account and used it as my main account. This explains my low amount of hours that may have contributed to my ban. I still use this account as my main to this day with zero recorded VAC bans.

    4. Any other information you would like to include:

    I can't provide any evidence that says I wasn't cheating because I don't have any. However, I can provide some background info about my personal experience playing the game:

    The only thing I can use as evidence is that I'm a good player. I've played for many years on servers as old as XSA scoutzknivez (if anyone remembers those). Hopefully a second look can be taken at the evidence in the original ban report, because I know I'm not guilty. I've had an itch to play CS:S scoutzknivez where I can actually bunny hop, and with there being no other server I had no choice but to write up a defense for myself in hopes of being unbanned. If need be I can upload and reply with multiple videos of me playing at a fairly high level.​
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2017
  2. killa sodas - cherry coke

    killa sodas - cherry coke Murderer Community Manager Member

    Good luck with your appeal!
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  3. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    Your ban has been lifted due to the fact you have no vacs on record. However if we get another report you will be rebanned, happy gaming!
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  4. killa sodas - cherry coke

    killa sodas - cherry coke Murderer Community Manager Member

    Congrats on that unban!!
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